Food and Eating

 Our food and eating tips for everyone

Our health fitness tip. Food is an important part of a balanced diet. You need to eat the right type of food at the  right time of the day. The food which you consume at the beginning of the day as a breakfast is an important one because the food which we consume can be digested through out the day and it can be heavy food too. The meal which we consume in the afternoon as a lunch should be little less than the morning meal, but the food which you consume at the night should be mild and light because it has a chance of being converted to fat in your body because you will not be physically active at night means you will spend your night by sleeping. Even though some people will consume snacks in  the evening, which should be a healthy snack. So, you can maintain a well balanced and a healthy diet which is important to everyone to stay fit and healthy in their life.

Tips for healthy life:

* Increase your fruits and vegetable intake

* Avoid the intake of sugar

* Don't eat the wrong or junked foods

* Consume a lot of water

* Calculate the calories which you intake

* Eat a healthy snack such as nuts, avocados, olives, olive oil

our food and eating tips
our health fitness tip

 Food and eating Tips for everyone

Our health fitness tip, Food is fuel to our body, however when compare to vehicles our fuel tank is expandable. If humans like some food they will have it in more quantity but will our body be able to absorb all the energy of consumed food NO, our body will only absorb what is required and remaining excess food will be converted to fat and remaining food will be converted to human waste and gets ejected out every day.

  To grind a KG of rice, required amount of water needs to be added to grinder, but humans forget this logic, we will have a minimum 3 times of meals every day however we forget to drink required amount of water, so make an habit of drinking water regularly and minimum required amount of water is 3L per day. Drinking water helps you to live healthy and fit for longer time. drinking water helps your skin glow bright because it cleans you internally make you healthy.

Food and eating tips for everyone

  Food and eating

Food and eating

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